How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy During the Holiday Season
The holidays are a time of celebration, but they can also be a time when we eat more than usual. As you know, everything that goes into your mouth ends up on your teeth! The result is often the tell-tale signs of "holiday teeth." But don't worry – there are ways to keep your pearly whites clean and healthy during the holiday season. This blog post, shared by a provider of Dental Assistant Courses, will highlight five tips for keeping your mouth healthy during the holidays.
Tip 1: Brush After Meals
Brushing your teeth removes food particles that have been clinging to them during and after eating. It also removes plaque (a sticky film of bacteria) which forms on our teeth throughout the day. This helps prevent cavities from forming by preventing excess acidity in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay.
Tip 2: Cook with Healthy Ingredients
Cook with healthy ingredients like vegetables and lean meats instead of adding lots of processed sugars or other empty calories into your dishes. This helps prevent cavities by limiting the amount of time that food particles are in contact with your teeth before you brush them.
Tip 3: Drink Plenty of Water
Water not only keeps your teeth clean but also flushes out sugars and acids from food that can cause decay or damage to the enamel surface on teeth. Remember to use a straw or cup with a lid to minimize the amount of tooth staining that can happen if you don't rinse your teeth after drinking colored beverages like red wine.
Tip 4: Visit the Dentist
Make sure to visit your dentist regularly. Your teeth and gums need special attention since they are constantly under strain during this time of year, especially if you're enjoying holiday treats on a regular basis!
Tip 5: Don't Forget to Floss
Remember to floss regularly throughout the holiday season. Flossing helps remove particles of food that may be stuck between teeth or in areas where a toothbrush can't reach, which could cause cavities otherwise. If you aren't great at flossing or are worried that it's too difficult, there are numerous types of floss available for purchase in stores to make the process easier!
There are many methods that you can follow to keep your mouth healthy during the holidays. The important thing is to remember that it isn't just about brushing or flossing, but also about what goes into your mouth in terms of food and beverages. By making healthy choices for both holiday cooking and eating, as well as regular dental care throughout the year, you can keep your teeth clean and healthy during the holiday season!
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